The TVYou/RADIOYou Media Arts Community.
The TVYou business model is simple. Equal access by all to the FREE content. Equal opportunity to post video/audio content, that is FAMILY FRIENDLY. There are a set number of free stream positions where new content replaces the older content. Businesses and other groups can buy advertising and sponsorships to have their content to continue to stream. TVYou also collects urls of LOCAL video content available in the public domain and streams these as Community news and information. Our revenue is multimedia development, advertising, co op advertising and sponsorships.
Our Core Values:
We value professional integrity and respect and these values provide a foundation for how we treat our staff, peers, and the individuals we serve. This means assuming positive intent, practicing direct and supportive communication, maintaining confidentiality and honesty, and working toward mutual understanding.
We value team members and the community we serve and give both the information and the tools they need to achieve results.
We see 5 pillars in relationship
INTEGRITY. Know and do what is right.
RESPECT. Treating others the way you want to be treated.
RESPONSIBILITY. Embrace opportunities to contribute.
SPORTSMANSHIP. Bring your best to all competition.
SERVANT LEADERSHIP. Serve the common good.
We define connection as the energy that exists between people when they feel seen, heard, and valued; when they can give and receive without judgment; and when they derive sustenance and strength from the relationship.
Our Mission Statement:
It is the MISSION of TVYou to serve the community by empowering staff and volunteers to create and stream media content from individuals, groups, orgainzations and businesses. In pursuing this goal TVYou is proactive in building relationships and LOCAL connections. TVYou seeks opportunities to nuture and strengthen the community.
Our Vision Statement:
Everywhere and in all places that The TVYou Media Arts Community is established, ALL who become involved are appreciated, wanted, valued and needed. Each are encouraged and supported to develop competence, capability and confidence when engaged in creating and sharing media content with the community. These qualities and skills benefit the individuals involved and all who interact with TVYou. Individually and together we are creating a living historical legacy of our times while being pertinent, relevant and engaged with individuals and events that build and edify the community.
Our Owner and Founder

Our Founder
I’d like to introduce myself. I’m James Steinhubl, an entrepreneur through and through. I believe in the betterment of all. Throughout my life, I’ve been energized with ideas, hope, and a love for people. I believe in the pursuit of dreams, taking action, being helpful with a fearless heart and I’ve followed these principles since youth. It’s with this heart I’ve seen the best in people, opportunities, and in the face of everything that isn’t always great I’ve chosen to embrace life and pursue its goodness.
Alberta has been home for over forty-five years. And in that time there have been many ventures encompassing success, joy, and failing. At the age of 16 I founded my first company, a private tutoring company which grew to 25 teachers and 200 students in 3 cities. By 21, I founded a youth culture business which grew to 6 cities. The business included restaurants, nightclubs, clothing stores, and jewelry stores. This led me to run for Mayor of Edmonton, at 27, under the campaign slogan VISION KNOWLEDGE COURAGE & ACTION, and a candidate for the NATIONAL PARTY (MP in Elk Island – Sherwood Park) at 29. But, electoral victory in politics eluded me.
When an opportunity came up to build and sell .com businesses, I took the plunge. Directories, Coupons, and Classifieds. Fun, yet not my passion. There is where things changed. Now older and wiser, in 1998, I founded a real estate business which included land development, new home construction, modular home construction, home rentals, and real estate financing. I was captivated. It was fast and exciting.
It is also here that I made mistakes in judgment. I allowed $0 down transactions to pass through through the business. After a long trial and a Crown appeal, at the age of 47 I was convicted of mortgage fraud. I served a 6 year sentence. A profoundly humbling series of events which deeply wounded and damaged me, my family, and sadly all those involved. I express deep regret and humbly apologize.
For the whole story see this interview
Fear It Goes with Brandi Taylor interviews TVYou Owner James Steinhubl
Now moving forward:
At 55 I founded TVYou Online Community TV
It began as a single channel in a single community, with the determined step forward of valuable service to the community. My whole focus is to give back to the community I love. My hope is to be helpful, interesting, and to do right. Two years later we have added www.radioyou.ca online LOCAL radio and have expanded TVYou into 14 Alberta markets.
As I have recovered and relaunched from those mistakes, most people are not necessarily interested in this past, only the person I am today. Some are sympathetic, and, there are others who rage against everything and anything I do. So today, my faith is that in people. TVYou and RadioYou are for the people, for community, and for the advancement of individuals.
See my personal contribution to the MEDIA ARTS COMMUNITY on the TVYOU SHPK Youtube Channel My content is streamed and on demand.
I invite you to Create, to Share, to Engage, to Empower!
James Steinhubl